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The Web Party is FED up to Here!
The Web Party is FED up to Here!
Apr 28, 2008
People Pay Attention! Our Government is powerless to remove the Federal Reserve Bank from itself, it has been infected by this aggressive, corrupt, and infectious disease. The Private Banking System which is controlled by the Unfederal Reserve Bank has injected our beautifully constructed constitutionally sound government with a virus which is destroying our government from the inside out. Our Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves right now, they are feeling the pain of all those billions of true americans that have given their lives to protect the constitutional rights of americans since the time before and after it was written and declared. They cant believe all the amendments and new bills that have been added to make government bigger and which is enslaving its individuals or constituents each and every day since then. Do Not Get Confused, The American Government is not the problem here, any Republican or Democrat in office will not make a difference, They will not be in a position to remove the cancer(Unfederal Reserve Bank)they will ignore the disease just as all their other predecessors. They have allowed banks and their credit card companies to charge as much as 31% interest to consumers(Constituents)which is usury no matter which way you put it. The Banks have caused this economical mess and they dont want to correct the problem because they will use our OWN GOVERNMENT to enforce and administer their next great money scheme that will generate unlimited debt which the Banks will be glad to collect from our government. The American Government which is the largest client of the Federal Reserve Bank is now being used as the personal BODYGUARD, ENFORCER, COLLECTOR, and FRONT MAN to the Banks. The Bankers have learned a ton from their persecutions of Organized Crime. These Persecutions were a way to use the US Government to wipe out any and all competitors to the bankers while using the trials to learn the ins and outs of the more advanced organizations to better themselves. They picked the brains of the members to help develop their own banking (Criminal)organization because they now have a monopoly since prosecuting its competitors, The Bankers are now the Loan Sharks and are considered legal because they physically dont hurt you, they only hurt you financially and emotionally. They are responsible for destroying the family structure due to the stress they cause from their outrageous interest rates and fees. People get frustrated financially which is directly linked to emotional frustration and leads quickly to depression which results in pharmaceutical companies getting richer who are also tied to the Banks financially. Lawyers are tied to banks as well because people do not have the cash lying around to pay for lawyers, so they use credit and credit cards or loans to pay the fees which are increased because they know people have to get a loan or pay with a credit card, so the sky becomes the limit instead of the individuals pockets. A Vicious cycle that begins and ends with Banks getting richer and using Our own government to protect and enforce their agendas which are not good for the American Individual and our freedom filled way of life. More Laws, More Rules, More Regulations, More Inflation, More Bills, More Amendments, More Government = LESS FREEDOM! OUR AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE IS LOSING THE WAR AGAINST ITSELF. THE BANKING CANCER IS WINNING THE WAR AGAINST THE US GOVERNMENT AND ITS PARTS ARE SUFFERING IRREPAIRABLE DAMAGE WHILE OTHERS ARE BEING DESTROYED COMPLETELY. We DONT NEED a Politician as President we need someone who can perform an economical exorcism by ridding the federal reserve bank from the government without damaging its now frail constitutional structure. This Cancer(Viral Disease) started in 1913 and has spread unchecked since. We beat it once before in the 1770's, but it was Britain trying to infect us at the time with their economical disease for which they were the host organism. "We the people" rose up as one at the time to fight the disease before we even had a government established. At the time we were able to repel the banks by creating our own monetary system and currency and a Government to protect the individuals from the banks. It seems in 1913 we were reinfected with the disease as our elected leaders allowed the banks(disease) to infect our government which was vulnerable at the time, allowing it to spread unchecked and has formed a dependency on it for its survival, or at the very least believes it needs the Federal Reserve Bank to survive. The Federal Reserve has taken over the control center of our government and has convinced it to protect the federal reserve against potential threats to its existence. Now the Government protects the rights of the Banks and its policies while prosecuting the rights of Individuals, A complete 180 from our Founding Fathers. This is why, only an economical exorcism will help save the US Government, Constitution, and the Rights of its Individuals(Constituents).