July 26, 2011 @ 1:59 AM

     In January 2009, Obama solemnly swore an oath to the American People that he would Uphold our U.S. Constitution and protect our Nation from enemies both Foreign and Domestic, By declaring that he would VETO any Bill that does not include tax hikes which he is deliberately deceiving the American People by changing the language and term of TAX HIKES to INCREASING REVENUE in which our immature and economically challenged President is either a moron or a calculating revolutionary trying to destroy our economy in his effort to introduce a new global government ruled by the Elites, and no longer a government run by its people, while looking to blame the Republicans for this transformation of America. Evidence of his tyranny is the fact that he is not only entertaining the idea of a SUPER CONGRESS but he is promoting it. This will be the last straw for this President, he is officially attacking the rights of every American under the U.S. Constitution by taking away the Founding Core Principal set up by the Founding Fathers of the Inalienable Rights (Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred) given to us by our Creator included amongst them is the most important Individual Right in a Representative Government such as the United States of America of One Person, One Vote. The SUPER CONGRESS will supercede the Role of Our Representative Congress and Senate which will no longer be accountable to the people of our country, Obama should be Impeached for even contemplating this concept of stealing our individual rights to vote and hold our representatives accountable for their political decisions in a representative government. We are sick and tired of this President fundamentally destroying our country from the inside out and we believe it is time (Aug 2nd 2011) to begin the Impeachment process if he VETOES any Bill that comes across his desk that does not include Revenue Increases or simply TAX HIKES. With his decision to VETO the House Bill, he is now endangering not only the full faith and credit of our beloved country, but he is putting our nation at risk of not being able to defend our country from enemies both foreign and domestic because our nation will be financially strapped due to the Presidents rigid Progressive Ideology. He may of been born in this country but he is in no way an American in spirit or heart, he is a globalist willing to sacrifice America and the American Way of Life to achieve his delusional goal of Global Governance with America as subservient to the New World Order and its Global Constitution and with its new bill of rights which will no longer come from our Creator, they will now come from the Elites who make up this New Global Governance which, once established, will in effect torch our Founding Father's very well thought out and perfectly worded Document called the U.S. Constitution. We were willing to Impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about performing Oral Sex with an Intern, The American People believe that OBAMA is performing a Snow Job on 300 million plus American Citizens which is Infinitly more offensive and diabolical than a President lying about a receiving a B_ _ _ Job from one American Citizen. This is not a Racist Action, it is a Practical Action based not on Race but on the Incompetance and Inability of our President to listen to the People of his Country, instead he chooses to pursue his progressive ideology and selfish agenda which, without a question of a doubt, threatens the America Way of Life and our beloved and sacred U.S. Constitution. He needs to be sent home ASAP, we cant afford this Presidents reckless spending behavior and his rigid progressive ideology which is fundamentally Un-American by its very nature and substance. We dont need to Hike Taxes, We need to Hike OBAMA out of Office, he has officially worn out his welcome, he needs to be Impeached and it is up to a member of congress to start the process before it is too late to undo the damage he is systematically creating every day he is in office and in charge of leading us. He is driving us off a cliff and it is time for us to throw him out of the car and grab control of the steering wheel before that happens, We the People are Uniting once again to take control over our country and will not tolerate pretenders and tyrannical ideologies of any kind including the progressive ideology that this President and his surrounding lackies that are spouting in the media and across the world. America, there is no substitute and there will never be a substitute for the Greatest Country in the World, and if our elected leader does not see America the same way and would rather see us as subservient to a Global Governance, he is no longer fit to be our leader and must be Impeached because he still has another 16 months to do extraordinary and irrepairable damage to our Country before the people ourselves can get him out of office, and if for some chance the progressives are able to rig the elections we might be stuck with this ideologue for another 4 years of economic hell. Someone step up to the plate and call for his impeachment Aug 2nd 2011 or once he vetoes the House Bill or accepts the concept of a SUPER CONGRESS made up of only 12 members of the Senate or Congress. This is an Impeachable Offense against the Citizens of America and inexcusable as a solution to the Debt Ceiling Debate. Any Intelligent person knows that anyone who maxes out their credit card with no way of paying it off, and then not only asks the credit card company to increase their credit limit but demands it, is out of touch with reality, if they believe this will not result in a downgrade of their credit rating, Our President is Delusional because he believes that increasing our debt ceiling will prevent a downgrade in our credit rating while the complete opposite is true, if we dont increase our debt ceiling and choose to cut spending it will actually upgrade our credit rating to those who we borrow money from, for they will then see that we are serious about paying off our debt. Our President and his cronies are lying to us and creating a false scenario to help secure their ideological goals of fundamentally transforming our country into something no true American wants or needs. We are tired of your ideological rhethoric and delusions of grandeur, please do our country a great service and step down so a true American Leader can step forward and steer this country away from the cliff, or we will have to throw you out in 2012. OBAMA is not a leader, OBAMA is a complainer and cry baby, who needs a timeout. If he does not get his way, he will pout at first and then he will seek vengence on those that opposed his radical progressive beliefs. He is Juvenile in his Beliefs and in his Actions. Time to Leave, OBAMA, the Presidency is an Honorable Position amongst Americans, you are not Honorable and will never be. Go back to trying to convince young people, students, that socialism, marxism, or so-called progressivism is best for the World, Adults are no longer fooled by your rhethoric, True Americans love pure Capitalism without corruption or corruptive regulations being forced upon it by progressives who have been systematically trying to destroy it over the last 100 years. We are Awake Now!